Blower Door Airtightness Testing
Measure building performance
Verify the installation of your airtightness layer before the internal linings are installed
Reduce energy consumption due to air leakage
A Blower Door is a diagnostic tool designed to measure and locate air leakage within a building's envelope. It uses a calibrated fan to create pressure and then measures the amount of air leakage required to maintain that pressure. Due to its effectiveness, many building codes around the world mandate Blower Door airtightness tests.
The Minneapolis Blower Door, controlled automatically via the DG-1000 pressure gauge, simplifies this process. You can monitor the measured results on the screen, and the accompanying software generates a comprehensive test report in accordance with global standards such as ATTMA, Passive House, and ISO 9972.
Renowned as the best designed and supported building airtightness testing system in the world, the Minneapolis Blower Door was developed in the United States by The Energy Conservatory (TEC) and has been in use for over 25 years.
Contact us to learn more about Blower Door, airtightness testing systems, and their software.
Thermographic Camera Assessments
Thermography measures surface temperatures by using infrared video and still cameras. These tools see light that is in the heat spectrum. Images on the video or film record the temperature variations of the building's skin, ranging from white for warm regions to black for cooler areas. The resulting images help the auditor determine whether insulation is needed. They also serve as a quality control tool, to ensure that insulation has been installed correctly.
Thermographic scans are also commonly used with a blower door test running. The blower door helps exaggerate air leaking through defects in the building shell. Such air leaks appear as black streaks in the infrared camera's viewfinder
Section J Reporting
A Section J Report is utilised to demonstrate compliance with the energy efficiency provisions outlined in the National Construction Code (NCC 2022). It primarily focuses on the energy requirements for commercial buildings.
The report details how your proposed building complies with the Energy Efficiency Requirements of the Building Code of Australia.
It should include supporting calculations to demonstrate how the building meets each criterion specified in Section J. This involves calculating the necessary R-Values for insulation and performance values for glazing.

NatHERS Energy Reports - Residential
The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) provides energy ratings for new dwellings. This is helping create energy efficient, resilient and comfortable homes for the future that cost less to run.
The Scheme can now rate the energy performance for the whole home including the major appliances, solar panels and batteries, in addition to the star rating for the building shell.
NatHERS provides a streamlined pathway to meet or beat the new National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 energy efficiency requirements.
Currently around 90 per cent of new home designs are assessed using the Scheme.
NABERS - Commercial Energy Reporting
A NABERS Energy rating is independent, based on real energy data and provides a comparison to buildings like yours. For example, a building in Darwin is going to use cool air-conditioning more than a building in Melbourne.
A NABERS Energy rating takes this into consideration when looking at your building’s energy consumption to compare like-with-like. NABERS Energy ratings give you a fair reflection of how you are progressing versus your energy saving commitments.